Thursday, April 8, 2010

where do they go?

As part of the Great Outdoor Challenge, we are spending some time outside every day this month, rain or shine. Today, rain. Since my tumultuous trip to purchase some new spring books in London, Finn and I have been frequently reading Where Do They Go When It Rains? When we finished dinner to barely sprinkling rain, I told Finn and Elizabeth that we should see if we could find any bugs hiding under the leaves (the part of the story that seems to really stick with Finn) to seek shelter from the rain. Of course, I assumed we'd be outside for a half hour or so, not really find anything, then head back in to continue our evening routine. I'm very glad I was wrong.

Almost immediately, Elizabeth found a couple of tiny black bugs taking shelter in the dandelions.

You can barely see one of them on the bottom petals of this dandelion.

Finn tried his luck at some of the bushes between our yard and the pasture.

He was rewarded with a buggy find of his own.

I truly love when they get to see nature in action that we've been reading about, even when it's just a simple picture book come to life. Thank you, Lisa, for this challenge. Without it, we might not have gone out in the rain this evening, and we certainly would have missed something special.


  1. Fabulous idea! We tend to stay indoors when it rains. It's something that we need to work on! Thank you for the inspiration.

  2. Oh Joy, thank you for the sweet words. Makes me happy. Dandelions are wonderful places to look for little critter life. I mean come on, that bright yellow is so pretty, who wouldn't want to visit?


  3. I love where you went with this post... the hidden.. secret... little places we often overlook. Thank you! xoxo

  4. What a great idea and one we will have to try - with the never ending rain here, and all :p You always are such sweet inspiration <3

  5. Dear Joy,
    It is raining here today, but I think we will venture out and see what bug life we can find:) I think we will have to join this challenge too:) Thank you.

  6. That's so cool! It seems to me your family never has problems getting outside Joy.

  7. It is so beautiful seeing the bright green and yellow in your photos! It looks like a very sweet day outdoors : )

  8. This post made me smile. What a wonderful way to look at a rainy day. Thanks Joy! :)

  9. What a fantastic idea! We usually take the kids out for a quick run around the block when it rains- they do so love the puddles- but I love the idea of gentler pursuits :)


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