Philip and Finn spent much time wandering the castle rooms of Philip's tie-back, pop-up castle book.

We also tried our hand at pretzel-making, then took a poll of who prefers dipping in mustard and who prefers dipping in marinara sauce. The marinara sauce it was extremely cute hearing Finn ask for more "mawinawa" sauce.

The kids spent a few minutes drawing their own interpretations of some art we plan to visit at the National Gallery. Elizabeth chose a Monet, Paulie chose a Seurat and Philip drew one of Rembrandt's self-portraits. The kids always enjoy making their own interpretation of various works of art and this was a great way to connect them to some of the art they'll be seeing in London.

I spent a bit of time in the early afternoon working on this little project I spied on Childhood Magic. Our breakfast eggs were fished out of these small holes in the top of the eggs so that I could use the shells to make beeswax candles.

I'll show you more of these candles later, but I think we might use these egg candles for our Lenten Lights this year. They are incredibly adorable!

While I was making egg-y candles, the olders were making oodles of friendship bracelets, which takes me back to my own childhood and raiding my mom's stash of cross-stitch thread. I love how timeless little crafts like that are.
I hope your weekend was just as lovely!