...but another year wiser is debatable. Today is my 32nd birthday. I was thinking this morning of some wisdom I might have gleaned over my 32nd year to share with you, but I couldn't really come up with anything concrete, except this: Be in this moment, this day, this year. Be in this situation, good or bad, and savor it. It astounds me that Elizabeth will be 9 in 6 months, and Finn isn't really my baby anymore. I used to hear people say that, and I thought it was so contrived. I don't think that now. Now that I'm 32 and each year flies faster than the last. I'm the world's worst for being goal-oriented to a fault. Always looking toward the next activity, next holiday, next vacation...not enjoying today as much as I should be. Just my 2 cents. :)

For my 32nd birthday, Paul asked me if it would be ok to send me to the Steiner Institute in MA to take a workshop on Celebrating Festivals with Children for a week. My first thought: "um, no. That sounds lovely; maybe another year, but NO." The more we talked about it and I thought through the logistics (and there were ALOT of logistics) the more I warmed to the idea. Oh, not the idea of being away from my family. I'm especially wistful at the notion of being away from Finn for a week for the first time. But ultimately, I think this workshop has the potential to enrich our family and bring new meaning and new traditions into our home. As such, I guess I can miss my family immensely to learn these new skills and bring home new ideas. (Quite the martyr, aren't I, considering I'm the one leaving for a week.) Also, it is quite a generous birthday gift from my dear husband who will be mom and dad, taking care of all the responsibilities of our household while I'm gone for the week. And I immeasurably appreciate him, and this gift.
Last, but not least, I just wanted to share this photo of a wonderful kit that Paul bought me from She's Sew Slye on Etsy. How cool is that French material with the 1977 calendar? The kit includes several vintage fabrics and instructions for making a bag. I'm so (or is that sew?) excited to work on this project! probably after I return from MA :)

**photo #1 is from the Steiner Institute; photo #2 is from the She's Sew Slye shop on etsy