In addition to the many handmade gifts under our tree this year, there were plenty of gifts to encourage creativity or handmade crafts. Along with a host of other art supplies, Finn received a set of Wax-O-Glass crayons which he and Elizabeth have been enjoying.

Elizabeth received several new crochet hooks in various sizes and some yarn to accompany.
She's been busy working on scarves to keep her furry friends warm.

Books inspiring creativity also appeared under our tree. I'm very anxious to try out some of the recipes in The Complete Tassajara Cookbook. I'm always looking for inspiring new vegetarian recipes to try, and this collection is full of clean, simple food that is popular at our house.
Having long admired the elf hats that Soulemama made from this book, I was ecstatic to receive the pattern to make our own. Look for many of these hats to be under the tree next year. ;)
Last, but certainly not least, Paul, always generous to indulge my hobbies and push me into new creative territory, gifted me with a lovely spinning wheel. I have no idea how to actually spin wool, but I'm eager to learn now! I also have a lovely bag full of beautiful roving to practice my spinning.
We only just put the wheel together this evening (read: Paul put the wheel together while I sipped hot tea) so I'll keep you posted on how the spinning is coming in the future weeks.