Last night's Sundiata play went off without a hitch. My videotaping, on the other hand, developed a huge hitch whenever I realized there was no memory stick in the camera. Fortunately, some wonderful parents of other students have offered to burn me a copy of their tapes.
The African drumming teacher at Elizabeth's school, Mr. Bill, trained under a direct descendent of King Sundiata. Mr. Bill also directs a local drumming school, who so generously played for the performance. A local African dance artist also offered a residency in African dance and taught the students some basics of African dance, choreographed the final celebration dance, and led the students during the performance. What a fabulous job these second graders did learning and performing the various songs, dances and storylines!

I'm thankful that Elizabeth was blessed to learn about and embrace so many aspects of this amazing African culture.
That does sound like an amazing opportunity to learn about this African style of dance. When you get the video, it would be fun to see a little clip on your blog. ;)