Tuesday, May 13, 2008

You know how we're an art family...

"You know how we're an art family?" was a question posed by Paulie (the oldest stepson) when he was describing something in the car one day. The assertion, as a description of our family, became a catch-phrase for us. We are a family that LOVES art. Paulie goes to an arts magnet school and Philip (the younger stepson) will be starting there in the fall of 2008, Elizabeth (the daughter) goes to an arts-based charter school, Finn (the baby) has only made a few marks with some soy crayons, but we're sure he'll be on-board once he stops trying to eat the markers. Paul (the husband) has an art history degree and worked as a designer in NYC, and I have absolutely no art qualifications except that I like art museums, art galleries, art shows and creating things with my family. Hopefully in the future we'll be able to show you some of those things. :)

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